One of the arguments that people raise when talking about the benefits and harms of artificial intelligence, especially chat-GPT, is that if they see that they are experts, the more they don't know, it will put people out of work by confusing them. In my opinion, the main purpose and benefit of technology is to make our lives easier. But we realize that our life is easier when we first understand and recognize the difficult.

For example, 1 person who knows about programming language can write the code of the project by himself from the beginning to the end to make a project. But if he works with the help of AI to save his time and resources, his efforts will be eased. But if a beginner programming language student does the demonstration that the teacher gave him to do with AI, he will not be an expert, but a fool who does not know the existing knowledge.

Write down on the comment what you feel about the advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence.

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